Setting and increasing a sensor value via node red by a fixed number or another sensor value

Hi, I’m new with nodered and got stuck in trying to set a number.amp1 to a new value based on the existing value of that number.amp1 increased with a fixed number or with the value of another number sensor.

example what I want
number.amp1 = number.amp1 + 1
number.amp1 = number.amp1 + number.amp2

I try to do this via the home assistant call service node but I have no clue on the json format to do the above.

Have the data field type in the call-service node set to JSONata, J: expression.

{"value": $number($entities("number.amp1").state) + 1}
{"value": $number($entities("number.amp1").state) + $number($entities("number.amp2").state)}

Thanks, Will test it. Fixed it in the mean time by requesting the sensor value, applied a function on it that did the increment and then set the value. With your solution it should be a lot nicer .