I am trying to set an alarm overnight based on if it is a workday or not. I have this working but am struggling to set a ringtone for the alarm, anything I do just ends up with the default tone. Does anyone know how I can use android.intent.extra.alarm.RINGTONE
to set the ringtone to a specific file?
Below is what I currently have, this currently just sets the alarm tone to file
, I am assuming this is due to the colon in the URI.
message: command_activity
intent_package_name: com.google.android.deskclock
intent_action: android.intent.action.SET_ALARM
intent_extras: >-
android.intent.extra.alarm.RINGTONE:"file:///Internal storage/Ringtones/test.mp3",android.intent.extra.alarm.HOUR:19,android.intent.extra.alarm.MINUTES:06,android.intent.extra.alarm.MESSAGE:Work,android.intent.extra.alarm.VIBRATE:true,android.intent.extra.alarm.SKIP_UI:true
Does anyone know how to fix this?