Setting Blind position for slider function

I have Ikea motorized blinds on the windows. I am trying to figure out a way to have the slider match the actual position of the blind.

As an example, because the blind is physically longer than the window, 50% on the window does not equal 50% of the blind. Is there anyway to set the blind positions so they match up with the slider?

I’ve setup scripts that I use with buttons to open or close the blinds to specific positions, but I’d like to get this working with the cover sliders somehow.

Below is the code for a script to set the blind at 75% open, but the blind position is 45%.

alias: Office Blind 75
  - device_id: 3c11344d0df37a0ae55a23b7c59fa1b6
    domain: cover
    entity_id: cover.office_blind_left
    type: set_position
    position: 45
  - device_id: 218e6e46a1c6b93eec66518d75bbd085
    domain: cover
    entity_id: cover.office_blind_right
    type: set_position
    position: 45
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 1
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: cover.stop_cover
    data: {}
        - 3c11344d0df37a0ae55a23b7c59fa1b6
        - 218e6e46a1c6b93eec66518d75bbd085
mode: single



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Use a template cover to convert your cover positions to 100%. Use this cover in your dashboard and automations instead of the original one.


position_template: "{{ state_attr('cover.office_blind_left', 'position')|float(0) / 2 }}"