Setting dim automation/scene/script with Leviton switches

I’m a bit confused here (normal)…

I have Leviton Z-Wave smart dimmers throughout the house and I’d like to try to set some automation using dim levels. I tried at first to setup a scene to dim one switch, but although it worked, it kept generating an error message in the log file: “Integration zwave does not support reproduce state”

Reading some bits and pieces on the site, it seems that scenes aren’t the best solution for Z-Wave entities. That said, what should I use? And more importantly, how do I set individual dim levels for a series of switches for, say, an evening light automation?

Thanks ahead!

It might help if you shared exactly what you have as opposed to just trying to describe it. I.e., share the YAML code.

E.g., are you using the light.turn_on service with a light entity? Or are you trying to do something else?

Phil, here’s the scenes.yaml file code:

- id: '1578959101198'
  name: Evening Lights Configuation
      brightness: 52
      friendly_name: Kitchen Overhead Lights
      node_id: 11
      state: 'on'
      supported_features: 1
      value_id: '72057594227294209'
      value_index: 0
      value_instance: 1
      brightness: 57
      friendly_name: Dining Room Lights Level
      node_id: 20
      state: 'on'
      supported_features: 1
      value_id: '72057594378289153'
      value_index: 0
      value_instance: 1
      brightness: 155
      friendly_name: Living Room Lights Level
      node_id: 21
      state: 'on'
      supported_features: 1
      value_id: '72057594395066369'
      value_index: 0
      value_instance: 1
      brightness: 52
      friendly_name: Cabinet Lights Level
      node_id: 22
      state: 'on'
      supported_features: 1
      value_id: '72057594411843585'
      value_index: 0
      value_instance: 1
      friendly_name: Foyer Lights
      node_id: 14
      state: 'off'
      value_id: '72057594277609472'
      value_index: 0
      value_instance: 1
      application_version: '1.20'
      averageRequestRTT: 26
      averageResponseRTT: 37
      - zwave_plus
      - routing
      - listening
      - beaming
      friendly_name: Foyer Lights
      is_awake: true
      is_failed: false
      is_info_received: true
      is_ready: true
      is_zwave_plus: true
      lastRequestRTT: 26
      lastResponseRTT: 38
      manufacturer_name: Leviton
      max_baud_rate: 40000
      - 1
      - 11
      - 13
      - 18
      - 19
      - 20
- 21
      - 22
      node_id: 14
      node_name: Leviton DZ15S-1BZ Decora Smart Switch
      product_name: DZ15S-1BZ Decora Smart Switch
      query_stage: Complete
      receivedCnt: 9
      receivedDups: 1
      receivedTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:44:861 '
      receivedUnsolicited: 1
      retries: 0
      sentCnt: 10
      sentFailed: 0
      sentTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:44:823 '
      state: ready
      application_version: '1.20'
      averageRequestRTT: 26
      averageResponseRTT: 35
      - zwave_plus
      - routing
      - listening
      - beaming
      friendly_name: Kitchen Overhead Lights
      is_awake: true
      is_failed: false
      is_info_received: true
      is_ready: true
      is_zwave_plus: true
      lastRequestRTT: 24
      lastResponseRTT: 35
      manufacturer_name: Leviton
      max_baud_rate: 40000
      - 1
      - 13
      - 14
      - 18
      - 19
      - 20
      - 21
      - 22
      node_id: 11
      node_name: Leviton DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      product_name: DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      query_stage: Complete
      receivedCnt: 70
      receivedDups: 12
      receivedTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:313 '
      receivedUnsolicited: 14
      retries: 0
      sentCnt: 58
      sentFailed: 0
      sentTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:277 '
      state: ready
      application_version: '1.20'
      averageRequestRTT: 26
      averageResponseRTT: 35
      - zwave_plus
      - routing
      - listening
      - beaming
      friendly_name: Dining Room Lights
      is_awake: true
      is_failed: false
      is_info_received: true
      is_ready: true
      is_zwave_plus: true
      lastRequestRTT: 23
lastResponseRTT: 36
      manufacturer_name: Leviton
      max_baud_rate: 40000
      - 1
      - 11
      - 13
      - 14
      - 18
      - 21
      - 22
      node_id: 20
      node_name: Leviton DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      product_name: DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      query_stage: Complete
      receivedCnt: 56
      receivedDups: 8
      receivedTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:351 '
      receivedUnsolicited: 13
      retries: 0
      sentCnt: 45
      sentFailed: 0
      sentTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:315 '
      state: ready
      application_version: '1.20'
      averageRequestRTT: 26
      averageResponseRTT: 36
      - zwave_plus
      - routing
      - listening
      - beaming
      friendly_name: Living Room Lights
      is_awake: true
      is_failed: false
      is_info_received: true
      is_ready: true
      is_zwave_plus: true
      lastRequestRTT: 23
      lastResponseRTT: 36
      manufacturer_name: Leviton
      max_baud_rate: 40000
      - 1
      - 11
      - 13
      - 14
      - 18
      - 20
      node_id: 21
      node_name: Leviton DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      product_name: DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      query_stage: Complete
      receivedCnt: 84
      receivedDups: 16
      receivedTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:390 '
      receivedUnsolicited: 16
      retries: 0
      sentCnt: 68
      sentFailed: 0
      sentTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:354 '
      state: ready
      application_version: '1.20'
      averageRequestRTT: 37
      averageResponseRTT: 47
      - zwave_plus
      - routing
      - listening
      - beaming
  - routing
      - listening
      - beaming
      friendly_name: Living Room Lights
      is_awake: true
      is_failed: false
      is_info_received: true
      is_ready: true
      is_zwave_plus: true
      lastRequestRTT: 23
      lastResponseRTT: 36
      manufacturer_name: Leviton
      max_baud_rate: 40000
      - 1
      - 11
      - 13
      - 14
      - 18
      - 20
      node_id: 21
      node_name: Leviton DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      product_name: DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      query_stage: Complete
      receivedCnt: 84
      receivedDups: 16
      receivedTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:390 '
      receivedUnsolicited: 16
      retries: 0
      sentCnt: 68
      sentFailed: 0
      sentTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:354 '
      state: ready
      application_version: '1.20'
      averageRequestRTT: 37
      averageResponseRTT: 47
      - zwave_plus
      - routing
      - listening
      - beaming
      friendly_name: Cabinet Lights
      is_awake: true
      is_failed: false
      is_info_received: true
      is_ready: true
      is_zwave_plus: true
      lastRequestRTT: 28
      lastResponseRTT: 36
      manufacturer_name: Leviton
      max_baud_rate: 40000
      - 1
      - 11
      - 13
      - 14
      - 18
      - 20
      node_id: 22
      node_name: Leviton DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      product_name: DZ6HD-1BZ Decora 600W Smart Dimmer
      query_stage: Complete
      receivedCnt: 63
      receivedDups: 9
      receivedTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:428 '
      receivedUnsolicited: 16
      retries: 0
      sentCnt: 48
      sentFailed: 0
      sentTS: '2020-01-13 19:00:24:392 '
      state: ready

It works, but the log generates this:

2020-01-13 17:38:07 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.state] Integration zwave does not support reproduce state
2020-01-13 17:38:30 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.state] Integration zwave does not support reproduce state
2020-01-13 17:39:42 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.state] Integration zwave does not support reproduce state
2020-01-13 17:40:51 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.state] Integration zwave does not support reproduce state

etc., etc.

I didn’t setup an automation yet for this, except to call the scene at a certain time of the evening, so I did not use any entity service entry. I did what I read in some of the docs: Set the light levels you want on the device and build a scene using those entities as they exist. I’m certain this is the dumb way to do it, but I’m very much still in the dumb stage of learning.

Thanks for the quick response!

Honestly I don’t use scenes. But I suspect you have way too many parameters listed in each. E.g., for the first light in the first scene I think it should be:

- id: '1578959101198'
  name: Evening Lights Configuation
      brightness: 52
      state: 'on'

Same goes for the rest.

I’ll give this a try and report back. Thanks Phil!

Remove all the “” entities from your scene, these are just the devices themselves you can’t “control” them, they just show some info about the device such as is it zwave plus, is it ready etc. You only need to include the actual entities generated by the device such as “” or “”. That’s also why you get the error “can’t reproduce state”.

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@pnbruckner, this worked great! Thanks again.