Setting 'dropdown' helpers in Automation?

Hi all.

I have an colelction of automations to run a dishwasher at the best time for cost.

I have a ‘helper’ setup of type dropdown with the three cycle types I use, Eco, Auto and Intensive.

Essentially, I have 3 matching entities that track the cheapest time of night to run, one for each cycle length.
Then I have 3 automations, each one triggered by one of the above entities, and then a condition to only run if the ‘helper’ is set to the matching cycle.

All that works well, on a dashboard I have my dropdown to allow me to select a different cycle if I wish, and the selected cycle gets triggered over night.

My question and issue I’m having is, I want one of these cycles to be my default, so when one of the non-default cycles is selected and run, at the end of the automation, I want it to set the ‘helper’ back to my prefered default choice, but when I do this, although it sets it to that, it also removed all other options from the dropdown.

I’m obviously not setting the value correctly, can anyone point me in the direction of the right formatting?

This is what I’m currently doing, ‘Dishwasher Cycle’, being the name of the dropdown entity I’m using.

You want the ‘select option’ service, not the ‘set options’ service.


Brilliant, thanks for the quick response.

I’ll set this up and test.

All tested and works great, thank you.

I could see I was obviously overwritting the entrie stack, just didnt realise there was other methods of interacting with it :smiley:

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Every integration has a list of services it supports in the documentation. The generic integrations (input_*, light, media_player, cover, etc…) are the ones you want to look up here first:

Specific integrations (e.g. like Lifx lights) might have extra services listed just for them.