I’m havng trouble getting a very simple automation to work. Based on the state of a certain sensor It should set an input_select to that very same value.
- alias: SetPanasonicInputSelectionBox
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.panasonic_current_input
service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.panasonic_input
option: '{{states.sensor.panasonic_current_input.state}}'
So, the current_input sensor always holds a value that is also present in the input_select.
I tried a lot of combinations of “data” vs. “data_template” and so on but to no luck.
According to the Logbook, the automation is triggered, but It has no effect. Turning on logging in the configuration did not help either. I don’t see any relevant output such as “condition evaluated to false” or “action could not be executed because…”.
I assume it is an issue with the “option” line somewhere, but I could not find a relevant example anywhere. Typically, people seem to be putting plain text in these options and not expressions.
Anyone know how to solve this?