I’m mucking around with some Phillips Hue scenes which has been fun. I’ve just learned that as scenes are not stateless - when i use a button card to select a scene, I’d like the pressing of the button to update an input_text helper so I can display the currently selected scene on another part of the dashboard.
I’ve look in several spots and subsequently tried a couple of different ways, but I cant get the button press to set the text.
Yes, you can add the service scene.turn_on as first service call. If you want to be sure, that only that specific scene gets stored in the text helper, you can work with variables:
In my research, I’ve also read a number of threads pointing to the fact that as the Phillips hue scenes don’t sit in the scenes.yaml file - you can’t use them in automations.
So, as I’m only looking for a push button to display which scene is currently in use, my plan is to create a set of dummy scenes that will never be turned on - but used to return the scene name for display