Setting Light Temperature with Google Assistant

Does anyone know how to set the temperature of the lights with Google Assistant?

According to the Google Assistant docs, the following are supported:

light (on/off/brightness/rgb color/color temp)

I can get on/off, brightness (in percent), colour (by name) to work but don’t know what command to use to change the colour temperature?

Hi @DavidFW1960,

I had the same question some days ago.
I found some commands but still don’t know how to set real warm light :frowning:

Voice Command for setting warm light with Ikea Tradfri and Google Assistant


Ok Google, set the kitchen ceiling lamp to warm white
Will set the ceiling lamp to 370 Mired / (Range here is 154-370)

cold white gives an error and daylight gets an ok response but nothing happens.

Maybe I have simply misinterpreted the German “Kaltweiß”, and it means something other than “cold white” in English. :grin:

Maybe it’s “cool white” instead of “cold white”?

it accepts cool white but does nothing like daylight

So I did a live chat with Google Support to find out what the keyword is to trigger different colour temperatures and he said it’s not supported despite the fact that warm white WORKS.

Also in their docs of supported commands, colour temperature is not listed. Maybe I should try IFTTT commands to do this? Or DUH!! A scene. LOL!!

As of today if you find the device in the Google Home app and tap the colour button it offers a number of colour names. I have found that these colour names work fine as a voice command:

OK Google, set Office Light to Ivory

for example. The colour names in English are:

  • ivory (coolest)
  • daylight
  • cool white
  • warm white
  • incandescent
  • candlelight (warmest)

The two most extreme are, as near as damnit, at the extreme ends of the scale in Hass. Hopefully those using other languages can use this method to find the correct names in their languages.

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