I have tried to set the target temperature of my heating in a room with assist. It doesn’t work, not with the Home Assistant Cloud or Gemini. (German Intents).
After a while I a found a solution, that worked for me. After the question “list the intent tools names” there was nothing mentioned to set anything of a heating.
But the scripts where in the list. So I created a script to set the target temperature of an area and made the available to the assist. Now it works.
Maybe someone could use this. Important is, to lower the name of the area, because it is case sensitive. I know, it is in german, but you get the idea
alias: Heizungstemperatur ändern
- action: climate.set_temperature
temperature: "{{ targettemp }}"
area_id: "{{ raum | lower }}"
description: >-
Über dieses Skript kann die Ziel-Temperatur der Heizung in einem Raum geändert
mode: single
text: null
name: targettemp
description: Zieltemperatur der Heizung
required: true
text: null
name: Raum
description: Der Raum in dem die Zieltemperatur der Heizung geändert werden soll.
required: true
Hi Sascha, I tried it in my home assistant, but got only errors in the log. Since I am a new user I might need some more advise. I put it in scripts.yaml and replaced “RAUM” with my room name.
This is the error log I get:
Logger: homeassistant.components.script
Quelle: components/script/config.py:147
Integration: Skript (Dokumentation, Probleme)
Erstmals aufgetreten: 11:00:50 (5 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 11:00:50
Script with object id ‘alias’ could not be validated and has been disabled: expected a dictionary. Got ‘Heizungstemperatur ändern’
Script with object id ‘sequence’ could not be validated and has been disabled: expected a dictionary. Got [{‘action’: ‘climate.set_temperature’, ‘data’: {‘temperature’: ‘{{ targettemp }}’}, ‘target’: {‘area_id’: ‘{{ raum | lower }}’}}]
Script with object id ‘description’ could not be validated and has been disabled: expected a dictionary. Got ‘Über dieses Skript kann die Ziel-Temperatur der Heizung in einem Raum geändert werden’
Script with object id ‘mode’ could not be validated and has been disabled: expected a dictionary. Got ‘single’
Script with object id ‘fields’ could not be validated and has been disabled: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘raum’]. Got {‘selector’: {‘text’: None}, ‘name’: ‘Büro’, ‘description’: ‘Der Raum in dem die Zieltemperatur der Heizung geändert werden soll.’, ‘required’: True} extra keys not allowed @ data[‘targettemp’]. Got {‘selector’: {‘text’: None}, ‘name’: ‘targettemp’, ‘description’: ‘Zieltemperatur der Heizung’, ‘required’: True} required key not provided @ data[‘sequence’]. Got None
You should not put this in the YAML- File directly. Use the WebGui, create a Script there, use YAML- Edit and paste it there, that is the supposed way. And don’t change anything, it works without any change.
Das SKript gehört nicht in die YAML- Datei, sondern über die Weboberfläche ein Skript anlegen, dort dann YAML- Editmodus wählen und dort dann das Skript einfügen. Und nichts anpassen, das läuft auch so.