Setting Tasmota RGBW bulb white value via light.turn_on

I have a RGBW bulb flashed with the latest Tasmota v9.5 and the latest version of Home Assistant.
In HA, I’m able to set the bulb to a pure white value in the UI by selecting the white button and then setting a white value.

However, I’m not able to set the bulb to white using the light.turn_on service.
I’ve tried sending:
rgbw_color: [0,0,0,255]
brightness_pct: 100

But the the light color doesn’t change. Looking at the console output of Tasmota it gives me the same STATE/RESULT values for Color and White as were used in the last color change request.

I can use:
rgb_color: [0,0,255]
brightness_pct: 100

To change the light to blue. But after the light is changed to blue and I try to send any rgbw_color value nothing happens. In fact, sending any rgbw_color values don’t seem to result in a color change at the bulb.

I’m using the Tasmota integration, but I don’t know which topic to subscribe to in order to identify exactly what commands HA is send out to the bulb.

This worked in the June and earlier releases of HA…so something may have broken in the latest release?

See the “Tasmota” section of breaking changes in 2021.7 release notes.

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I had this issue myself in Node Red. All my lights were set using the rgbw_color: [0,0,0,255] and worked fine for a long time. Then one day I noticed all my lights turned a whitish blue when calling for white. I found the information @ondras12345 posted above and I now use.

    "brightness_pct": 100,
    "white": 100,
    "effect": "None"

I also noticed that I had to place

    "effect": "None"

In all my call services that the light was supposed to be a solid color. If I didn’t do this and let’s say I just used the “Cycle Up” effect. Sending a new call service for a solid color without the “effect: none” wouldn’t clear the “Cycle Up” effect.

Now I just have to figure out why my grouped RGBW bulbs will not respond to the HA UI for “White Value”