Setting up a 'doorbell' in ZHA

I have been a Zigbee2MQTT user for quite some time now, but thought it was a great opportunity to check out an external coordinator, connected to serial interface over ethernet via ZHA. My experience with the latter is rather underwhelming. The topic General question: ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT and why? gaven some good insights in the what and why. As end-user I would expect that a simple device button press would be available as automation, in fact I get the tampering events out of the box, but not the actually pressing of a button (or for another device the pressense). I read the documentation and noticed that ZHA requires the user to set up automations via zha_event. Per button press I receive three events, and from the data I receive, I am unable to figure out how I can get just one event, instead of three.

Suggest you maybe also post that question/feedback to the WTH (Month of “What the heck?!” 2022):