I have the simple RF433 watersensors, they have 1 code they can send, so when they get wet, they send an alert.
I want to build a button in lovelace that resets the alert.
So the RF433 is sent as a MQTT message, and it flips the binary sensor on.
I’ve made my own RF code for turning off the binary sensor.
So if I publish this to MQTT it turns off the alert:
topic: tele/rfbridge/RESULT
payload: {"RfReceived":{"Sync":10140,"Low":320,"High":920,"Data":"33C112OFF","RfKey":"None"}}
qos: 1
retain: false
So I’ve built a card with the custom button by @RomRider My idea was that I could hide the icon if the alert was off, and show if it’s on.
But when I press the icon, it doesn’t turn off the alert, so basically it doesn’t work
The conditional works fine of course, but it doesn’t publish the mqtt?
type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.waterleak_bathroom
state: 'on'
type: 'custom:button-card'
entity_id: binary_sensor.waterleak_bathroom
icon: 'mdi:water'
name: Oversvømmelse i badeværelse
color_type: icon
color: rgb(0,100,255)
- action: call-service
service: mqtt.publish
topic: tele/rfbridge/RESULT
payload: >-
qos: 1
retain: false
Did I format it wrong? Or can’t it call the mqtt.publish from the custom button, or what?