Setting up an Insteon USB Adapter 2248A7

Hello. I obtained a 2248A7 and am trying to get it working. I’m running HA in Windows 10 in VirtualBox. I installed the 2248A7 driver per these instructions. That seems to have been successful as I can see it in Windows Device Manager as a “USB Serial Converter” with Manufacturer FTDI. When installing the Insteon integration I select PLM as the modem type. Then I’m then prompted to enter the USB Device Path. I found this post with instructions to locate the device path. So, I went to the supervisor system tab and under Host I selected Hardware.

Using the search function I cannot find a match to the screen shot in that post. Searching tty, there are no entries with ttyUSBx. The tty entries are ttyS0 to 3. The devpath on those is /devices/platform/serial8250/tty/ttyS0 (0-3). Searching for hardware named usb, I get a list of the following:
1 -1

None of these seem to contain a useful path, although I did copy the paths and tried them with the integration, but nothing. I also got the device instance path out of the USB Serial Converter properties but that didn’t work either.

Any advice for getting the usb adapter working in HA would be greatly appreciated!
