Setting up automations to do one thing after sunset but do something else after a certain time

Hi there

Currently i got a day and night automation when you ask to turn kitchen on during day she turns it on at 30%. if you ask to turn on after sunset she turns on at 80%. but i would also like t do a if in the night one where if after 10pm she does 30%

i tried this with no success.

alias: Night Brightness kitchen lights
description: Night Brightness kitchen lights
  - platform: device
    type: turned_on
    device_id: 88d35b32cfa9e9453f9e2f65af113a15
    entity_id: light.kitchen_light_1_2
    domain: light
  - alias: Sun down
    condition: state
    entity_id: sun.sun
    state: below_horizon
  - scene: scene.night_brightness_kitchen_lights_80
  - condition: time
    after: '22:00:00'
  - scene: scene.dim_kitchen_30
mode: single

any suggestions?

Depending on time of the year and where in the world you are there could be conflicts in these automations.

What if it’s past 22 but not after sunset?
Or do you mean daytime - if sunset is before 22 - and after 22.
That means you could have only two automations at some days (depending on where you live and time of year).

the first part of it is working no problems. when the light is turned on after sunset the light comes on at 80%
its the second part where if its after 10pm (night time) it doesnt use the 30% sence

You should be using a choose. Remove the condition from where you have it, then add it to the condition of a choose block. Then move the 80% to the default actions of the choose block.
That way if it is after 10pm, it will execute the 30% one, otherwise it will execute the 80% one.

alias: Night Brightness kitchen lights
description: Night Brightness kitchen lights
  - platform: state
    entity_id: light.kitchen_light_1_2
    state: on
  - service: scene.turn_on
    entity_id: "{{'scene.night_brightness_kitchen_lights_80' if is_state('sun.sun', 'below_horizon') and now().hour < 22 else 'scene.dim_kitchen_30'}}"
mode: single