I already have Home Assistant running on a RPi3 (setup with AIO installer, and also have spare RPi3, so thought I’d try Hass.io on it.
I created another domain at DuckDNS using the same account that I used to create a DuckDNS domain for my original Raspberry Pi (Pi 1). I installed the DuckDNS addon for Hass.io and added the new domain the 2nd Pi (Pi 2) .
I’m now trying to setup Let’s Encrypt on Hass.io on the 2nd Pi (Pi 2), but having problems.
Under Hass.io > Let’s Encrypt > Options I filled in the details, adding the new DuckDNS domain name for Pi 2. But when I click on start it shows the following error under Logs:
Failed authorization procedure. [DOMAIN NAME FOR PI 2].duckdns.org (tls-sni-01): urn:acme:error:unauthorized :: The client lacks sufficient authorization :: Incorrect validation certificate for tls-sni-01 challenge. Requested e36caa6568bcd2d6432a98d03179317f.164576f74bb218a9aaf29fe47d04a142.acme.invalid from [MY IP ADDRESS]:443. Received 2 certificate(s), first certificate had names “[DOMAIN NAME FOR PI 1].duckdns.org”
_ - The following errors were reported by the server:_
_ Domain: [DOMAIN NAME FOR PI 2].duckdns.org_
_ Type: unauthorized_
_ Detail: Incorrect validation certificate for tls-sni-01 challenge._
_ Requested_
_ e36caa6568bcd2d6432a98d03179317f.164576f74bb218a9aaf29fe47d04a142.acme.invalid_
_ from [MY IP ADDRESS]:443. Received 2 certificate(s), first_
_ certificate had names “[DOMAIN NAME FOR PI 1].duckdns.org”_
_ To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was_
_ entered correctly and the DNS A record(s) for that domain_
_ contain(s) the right IP address._
So it looks like it’s downloading the certificate for Pi 1 instead of creating a new certificate for Pi 2.
I’m wondering if because both the DuckDNS domains for Pi 1 and Pi 2 are pointing to the same router/IP address that it’s not possible to setup 2 different DuckDNS domains and Let’s Encrypt certificates on separate Raspberry Pis because they just point at the IP address, not separate Pis? (So it’s not possible to do this?)