Setting up existing MQTT light

Hi. I’m setting up a light that uses MQTT in my config - I can get it to turn on/off and now I want to control RGB and brightness. The light and MQTT are running on my Ninja Sphere (Beagle Bone Black running Ubuntu 14.04).
MQTT message for brightness: "{"method": "set","params":[0.606],"id":"123","jsonrpc":"2.0"}"
and RGB: "{"params":[{"mode":"hue","hue":62.239,"saturation":0.827}],"jsonrpc":"2.0"}"

So I should be looking into using templates to get HA to construct messages like this, yes? How can I find out what to use for things like brightness, hue, saturation values? Thanks.

The documentation says “brightness_value_template (Optional): Defines a template to extract the brightness value.”
This sounds like it’s just for extracting the value, but I need to be able to set it in a particular message.
It looks like that template does also set the outgoing message… I’ve used:
brightness_value_template: ‘{“method”: “set”,“params”:[{{value|int / 255}}],“id”:“123”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”}’
which seems to produce the right message but causes a Python error:

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/homeassistant/components/light/", line 92, in brightness_received
    device_value = float(templates['brightness'](payload))
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '{"method": "set","params":[0.5137254901960784],"id":"123","jsonrpc":"2.0"}'

I looked through the HA Python code, and it seems that the payloads have to match exactly for on/off to be recognised.
So, my payload_on in HA config is: {"id": "123", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "set", "params": [true]}
but the Ninja Sphere sends it like: {"id": "123", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "set", "params": [true], "time": 1234567}
which means HA does not think it’s an on/off call.
Can I use a template to strip the extra JSON data (how?), or is there something else I should be doing? Like making a custom component? Thanks.

I’m not sure what to do now. Any ideas? Thanks!

We currently do not support changing the format of the messages that we post to the topics.

For reading the data in, you should be able to specify templates that will process the JSON messages and convert it to data that Home Assistant starts.

For brightness you can use {{ value_json.params[0] * 255 | round }}. This will extract the brightness from the JSON response and convert it to a value that Home Assistant understands.

Your RGB value does not actually contain an RGB value but a Hue + Saturation. We do not support that out of the box.