Setting up Grafana, Loki & Promtail

Just an FYI for those interested in this topic but running Supervisor (Home Assistant OS or Supervised install), I created add-ons for Loki and Promtail. And obviously the Grafana add-on has been in the Community add-ons repository for some time.

While not impossible to start up docker containers directly in a supervised deployment, its difficult and not really recommended. So for those in that situation, these addons provide an easy alternative.

Also @ZuluWhiskey, based on your instructions I’m guessing you’re running a Home Assistant Container setup? If so you should take a look at the Promtail Docker Logging Driver. That’s their recommended approach for shipping logs to Loki in a Docker setup. It seems like it makes it really easy to ship all logs from all containers right to Loki, HA included.

I wanted to use the driver but unfortunately you can’t in a supervised deployment, journal logging is the only supported logging driver (and it broke pretty spectacularly when I tried to force it in anyway :slight_smile: ). But now that add-ons can read from the system journal, the add-on solves the problem for those of us with less control over our docker deployment.