Setting up HA w/ Z-WaveJS on an unraid box?

I’ve been beating my head against this since my zwave dongle arrived yesterday (Aeotec Gen5).

I’m running HA 2023.6.3 in a docker container on an Unraid server. And I’m trying to get the Z-wave dongle to connect to … well Z-wave devices, and to HA.

From my understanding I need to run a separate z-wave-js server to play host to the message queue, and then allow the HA server to access the IP address? Feels pretty hacky to me and I’m wondering if I’m going about this correctly. I have set up the usb device to pass through to the HA container, but it… well it doesn’t seem to care at all. When I try to set up a “Z Wave Integration” it fails to connect to ws://localhost:3000.

You can’t avoid the zwave-js-server, it’s a requirement. Also, HA won’t use your USB Z-Wave controller in a non-Supervised install, so no reason to add it to the HA container.

If you are just running containers, install Z-Wave JS UI on your own, or it seems there’s some sort of Unraid community plugin.