I"m trying to move from a pi to HomeAssistant Green. Something went wrong when I first tried to a created an SD and rebooted and it seems to boot just fine but, at the end, it just shuts itself off. Until that point the screen seems normal and like my pi.
I used a camera to capture the boot screen. It powers down shortly after it finished loading the OS
the green should come pre-installed with an OS…were you trying to restore a backup from the PI installation via the sdcard? Or did you install a new image? (Or did you transfer the SD card from the pi to the Green?)
Alas, still failing when I try to restore from my backup it takes forever even if I try a subset. And when I come back after hours I can’t connect to the interface. WYI, the backup is nearly 300MB.
Also, fortunately I have local backups (I copy off the server) – the backup to Google Drive has been unreliable. Is there a Nabu backup feature?
When and if I succeed, I’m doing the new system on a separate network from my production system so it is homeassistant.local but my certs have homeassistant.[fqdn]. Is that a problem. When (and if) I setup I plan to plug it into my main system and hope it adopts the proper DNS name after I disconnect my current system.