Setting up multiple Sensibos in Home Assistant

I’m new to Home Assistant but I’m hoping to replace my HomeKit setup with HA.

Background: I have HA running in a Docker container on my Synology NAS. I can connect to the web interface and configure my Hue lights and Plex server and various Chromecasts/other devices in my house.

I have a Sensibo (IR-based smart air conditioning controller) set up and was seeking some information via the Sensibo Facebook page. I was told to use the following
however, I did not have much luck getting this working. When I use the climate and switch code, I can get the Sensibo to show up in HA. But when I use the sensor and customize code, I end up not being able to connect to the HA web interface. If I comment out these lines of code and restart the Docker container, I can connect again.

Here’s what I end up with in HA via the web/app. (Note the switch doesn’t work)

I’ve just today received and set up my second Sensibo so I’d love to get both working on HA.
Here’s my implementation that’s causing me issues.

Cheers in advance for any help. If you wouldn’t mind, pretend you’re posting your response on Reddit’s ELI5 - setting up HA was the first time I’d even heard of YAML… :dromedary_camel::thinking: