Setting up my ConBee ZigBee dongle with QNAP


I’m completely new to this, and would really need some input as I’m completely lost!
I have set up HA on my QNAP TS-869 Pro running firmware 4.3.4 which is not the latest version as it is too old to update. This NAS does not support Container Station or HA natively, but I was able to install HA with a third party app store for my NAS. This gave me an installation of HA 2021.12.7 Core. I’m trying to install ZHA or deCONZ on my HA but this is not working correctly. deCONZ asks to authenticate the app, but this is not possible as I cannot find the correct path as described. With ZHA I cannot find my serial device path, after looking online it seems that this would be found in the supervisor tab, but this is not visable in my system. I have looked at every setting and I simply cannot find this information anywhere, and it has made it impossible to set up my ConBee ZigBee dongle.

Any help would be much appreciated!