I added a notification service as an action to an automation via the UI.
I get the following error upon saving of the automation:
Message malformed: expected dict for dictionary value @ data['action'][1]['data']
So by the UI it have entered:
Action Type: Call Service
Service: notify.notify
Service data: Zone 1 sprinkler turned off
YAML reads:
alias: ''
service: notify.notify
data: Zone 1 turned off
I have also tried:
alias: ''
service: notify.notify
data: "Zone 1 turned off"
alias: ''
service: notify.notify
data: [Zone 1 turned off]
alias: ''
service: notify.notify
data: ["Zone 1 turned off"]
When I try the following the automation editor saves BUT:
alias: ''
service: notify.notify
data: {{ "Zone 1 turned off" }}
BUT it actually saves:
alias: ''
service: notify.notify
data: '[object Object]': null
So, I assume my problem is formatting the data.
When the automation runs, no notification turns up in the notification panel.
I have also a ClickSend notify panel setup, so the help does not clarify how to send and sms, only how to setup ClickSend. I have recipient setup in the config in configuration.yaml so I an not expecting to have to put the phone number in the service data.
So, either of two things might be the problem. My data format or Clicksend setup.
I have seen this data problem in other attempts to configure other things so I am happy to start with sorting out that so, first things first. Any hints on how the data should be formatted please? Is there a help file perhaps that illuminates the matter?