Setting up Plex

I’m having an issue with setting up Plex. When first installed HASS, Plex showed up in the Configurator, I entered in the Token, and the it appeared in the Media Player section. Shortly thereafter, it stopped showing up. I added

media player: platform: plex

to configuration.yaml, and still nothing showed up. I have removed plex.conf and it shows up in the configurator again, but still won’t show up in in states. I have also removed the entry from configuration.yaml, but still no luck. It also does not show up in current entities on the Set State page.

Any ideas?

I can confirm a similar problem my end. As far as I can tell, the functionality does not work.

I will post some logs later, but there is no trouble discovering the server and trying to connect, but I can’t see a log confirming success. I have tried with and without a token, with and without discovery, and with and without an entry in the config file.

Hopefully someone can help with this issue, since Plex control would be great!

same issue here as well. Logs look good.

16-01-21 22:35:07 homeassistant.loader: Loaded media_player.plex from homeassistant.components.media_player.plex
16-01-21 22:35:07 plexapi: GET … qcHxxfhxxa
16-01-21 22:35:07 urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTP connection (1):
16-01-21 22:35:07 homeassistant.components.media_player.plex: Connected to: htts://
16-01-21 22:35:07 plexapi: GET … cHxxfhxxaR
16-01-21 22:35:07 urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTP connection (1):
16-01-21 22:35:07 plexapi: GET … qcHxxfhxxa
16-01-21 22:35:07 urllib3.connectionpool: Starting new HTTP connection (1):

This doesn’t look good in the log “htts://”

Same problem.

did you solve the problem because i have the same problem