Setting Up Remote Functions

I am new to HomeAssistant but have managed to get it working pretty smoothly.
I am having an issue with one of the new platforms (remote).

Specifically I have a logitech harmony and although under components, the website shows usage. I am trying to do something much simpler than whats there (using conditions, etc).

I am trying to create a way to simply call a command.

Using what I found, I did the following…

Inside Automation.yaml
    alias: "Turn Off Projector"
      platform: remote
      service: send_command
      command: PowerOff
      device: 38179999
      entity_id: remote_theater
    alias: "Turn Off Denon"
      platform: remote
      service: send_command
      command: PowerOff
      device: 38179999
      entity_id: remote_theater
On Boot up I get this error in home-assistant.log
    16-12-05 14:30:12 homeassistant.loader: Unable to find component automation.remote
    16-12-05 14:30:12 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [automation]: platform remote does not exist for     automation for dictionary value @ data['trigger'][0]['platform']. Got None
    required key not provided @ data['action']. Got None. (See /home/hass/.homeassistant/automation.yaml:0). Please     check the docs at
    16-12-05 14:30:12 homeassistant.loader: Unable to find component automation.remote
    16-12-05 14:30:12 homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [automation]: platform remote does not exist for     automation for dictionary value @ data['trigger'][0]['platform']. Got None
    required key not provided @ data['action']. Got None. (See /home/hass/.homeassistant/automation.yaml:

What am I doing wrong?

Is that your actual automation code? You’re missing an “action:”

Triggers are the things you respond to, actions are the things that happen when a trigger is true.

Take a look at the services and states dev tabs (bottom of sidebar in UI).

Services will show you what services are available. I don’t have a remote to see, but the service is likely something like

service: remote.turn_on

Look at the states tab to get the correct entity_id. “remote_theater” isn’t likely your actual entity_id.

Thank you.
I am just a little confused.

I am getting it to call activities within Harmony.
I dont know how to structure the individual commands.
Rather than “watch TV” i woudl like to create a button in my HA to say PowerOff Projector Only, the device not the activity.

- alias: "Power Off Denon"
    alias: "Turn Off Denon"
    platform: remote
    service: send_command
    command: PowerOff
    device: 38179309
    entity_id: remote_theater

Here is a screenshot of the call from the front_end

It might make sense to take a step back and start simple. Get to know the way HASS works and the syntax.

For what you’re talking about, I think you can just start with a script. An automation is basically a way to say “if something happens, do this”. If you just want to try controlling something from pressing a button, a script is a good place to start. And that can be used later as the action for an automation.

I don’t have the remote platform set up yet, but it looks like you’re getting closer to what you need. That service dev tool that you posted an image of - that’ll want some JSON that will likely include an entity_id.

You should probably flip through this thread. Harmony control is new this release and a lot of the formative discussion (with code samples) is contained within.