Setting up Snips or Google Assistant

I have been trying to set up and test Snips and Google Assistant in HassIO. I will probably only use one of them, but want to test them both out.

I have followed the guides, but seem to be having trouble discovering my microphone. I have ssh’d in to see what hardware devices are connected and unless I am mistaken, it appears from the image below that it has detected both the speakers and the usb microphone

However, neither google assistant or snips appear to see them as I was expecting to see a microphone listed as card 1 device 0;

Also when I start Snips it appears to have started, but when I go back to the add on the service has stopped. Not quite sure where I am going wrong. Any ideas?

Please read the documentation and make what they suggest. On snips you need create a api file usw…

Thanks for the reply. I have been through the documentation and created the api file called and saved it in the Share folder as it says to do. I have been back a few times to check over what I did to make sure I hadn’t missed anything out.

I am experiencing the same issue. I attempted to find the device HW ID, unfortunately I have been unsuccessful.

EDIT: I just set "mic": "1,0" and it works just fine! Try that.

Yes last night I was sitting watching tv and I could hear a faint voice coming from somewhere. Turned the volume up on my speakers and realised google assistant was talking to me about needing further setup or something similar. This is since I opened my home assistant up to the internet (should have probably realised that was necessary).

I had a go at setting up the api’s, but the instructions didn’t make a lot of sense to me so I gave up after a while playing around. Something I may go back to another time. I’m actually more interested in trying snips, but that still doesn’t appear to work for me. I start the addon and then when I click out and back into it it has stopped again. I think I will just have to go back to the beginning and try work through it from scratch.

i know its been a while since anyone replied to this but, i found that snips and google assistant don’t like to share a microphone. i’m using a usb mic for google and a usb sound card for snips. they will share the speaker out ok though. hope this helps someone.