When we have sleepover guests, they sleep in our livingroom.
In the livingroom we hhave some automated lights, and a motionsensor, so that is not ideal when you are sleeping.
We also have a tablet running wallpanel, that gives out quite a lot of light, so I need to set the room to ‘sleepover guests’.
First of I have defined an input_boolan for the status:
name: Marks if there are sleepover guests
icon: mdi:sleep
All the automations for that room, then checks if it is set to off, here is an example for our ‘nightlight’ automation, we have others of course, but the idea is the same for them all.:
- id: '1558893031102'
alias: Livingroom - Nightlight
- entity_id: binary_sensor.livingroom_movement
from: 'off'
platform: state
to: 'on'
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.sleepover_guests
state: 'off'
- below: '1'
condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.livingroom_lux
- condition: state
entity_id: light.tapetlampe
state: 'off'
- data:
brightness_pct: 10
entity_id: light.tapetlampe
service: light.turn_on
- data:
entity_id: input_boolean.nightlight_livingroom
service: homeassistant.turn_on
Then at noon, the sleepover_guests is reset:
- id: '1565774404861'
alias: Tablet - sleepover mode - timed reset
- at: '12:00'
platform: time
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.sleepover_guests
state: 'on'
- data:
entity_id: input_boolean.sleepover_guests
service: homeassistant.turn_off
The real magic is with the wallpanel app by thanksmister. It can be controlled with mqtt (the tablet has the topic wallpanel/livingroom), so it’s a breaze.
I’ve created two dashboards for this, the normal one, and the sleepoverguests one.
The normal one (fribert.dash), I have a lot more definitions of course, for all the other tiles, but I’ll just show the important lines:
## Main arguments, all optional
## Acer Iconia 1280x800
title: Hovedside
widget_dimensions: [123,128]
widget_size: [1, 1]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
columns: 10
use_comma: 0
precision: 1
use_hass_icon: 1
namespace: default
widget_type: input_boolean
title: Gæster i stuen
entity: input_boolean.sleepover_guests
- clock (2x1), lian, kenneth, nathalie, adrian, frontdoor (4x3)
- glasmontre, dvd_reoler, tapetlampe, barskab, treklover , nathalieloft
- spisebord, kokkenbord, vitrine, spejl, kontor, sovevaerelselys
- kaffemaskine, fluefanger, trappe, gang, adrianloft, spacer, have, pool, vandsten,yrpicture
- stueetage, 1stesal, spacer, spacer
- kokkenthermostat, stuethermostat, livingroomtemp, adrianthermostat, nathaliethermostat ,entretemp ,bathtemp ,havetemp, frontdoorlock, overnightguests
Then I have the ‘sleepover guests’ panel (blank.dash):
## Main arguments, all optional
## Acer Iconia 1280x800
title: Hovedside
widget_dimensions: [123,128]
widget_size: [1, 1]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
columns: 10
use_comma: 0
precision: 1
use_hass_icon: 1
namespace: default
widget_type: input_boolean
title: Gæster i stuen
entity: input_boolean.sleepover_guests
- spacer, spacer, spacer, spacer, spacer, spacer, spacer, spacer, spacer, overnightguests
To support these two panels, I have to home assistant automations.
The first one sets the room to sleepover mode, it changes the brightness in the tablet, turns off the nightlight in the room (if it is activated, by resetting the boolean that marks that), then turns off all christmas lights in the livingroom, and changes the dashboard:
- id: '1560365252406'
alias: Tablet - sleepover mode
- entity_id: input_boolean.sleepover_guests
from: 'off'
platform: state
to: 'on'
condition: []
- data:
payload: '{''brightness'': 1}'
qos: 1
topic: wallpanel/livingroompanel/command
service: mqtt.publish
- data:
payload: '{''url'': ''http://homeassistant.fribert.dk:5050/blank'' }'
qos: 1
topic: wallpanel/livingroompanel/command
service: mqtt.publish
- data:
entity_id: light.tapetlampe
service: light.turn_off
- data:
entity_id: input_boolean.nightlight_livingroom
service: input_boolean.turn_off
- data:
entity_id: group.all_stue_julelys
service: homeassistant.turn_off
Then there is the ‘opposite’, to make the room go ‘normal’ again:
- id: '1560366115523'
alias: Tablet - normal mode
- entity_id: input_boolean.sleepover_guests
from: 'on'
platform: state
to: 'off'
condition: []
- data:
payload: '{''brightness'': 100}'
qos: 1
topic: wallpanel/livingroompanel/command
service: mqtt.publish
- data:
payload: '{''url'': ''http://homeassistant.fribert.dk:5050/fribert'' }'
qos: 1
topic: wallpanel/livingroompanel/command
service: mqtt.publish
The panels looks like this, sorry for the bad quality pictures:
The normal panel (the sleepover guests button is at the bottom right)
Then the sleepover mode, button is in the same position.
I hope this is understandable, and helps somebody that has the same needs.