Setting Up Tile Bluetooth tracker

I’ve just bought 4 tile units and its not picking up the devices.

Any help will be appreciated!

This is the error:
Log Details (ERROR)
Sat Dec 29 2018 17:46:04 GMT+0200 (South Africa Standard Time)

Error setting up platform tile
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/”, line 179, in async_setup_platform
hass, p_config, tracker.async_see, disc_info)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/”, line 75, in async_setup_scanner
return await scanner.async_init()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/”, line 99, in async_init
await self._async_update()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/”, line 145, in _async_update
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/”, line 316, in async_see
hide_if_away=self.defaults.get(CONF_AWAY_HIDE, DEFAULT_AWAY_HIDE))
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get’

Tile’s are BLE (low energy) devices. Unless something has changed, running the BLE tracker on a Pi is problematic - especially if you are using a wifi connection.

You should provide more information if you want people to help. Show us your entry on configuration.yaml, describe your HA setup (is it, are you running on a Raspberry Pi, VM, docker, etc), OS.

I don’t think HA’s Tile component is using bluetooth LE–it is connecting to Tile servers to pull location data, so dap35’s comment isn’t true. I used the Tile component before and it was fine, just slow to update.

True - I was thinking of the BLE component, not the Tile component.

Thank you for the quick responses.

I’m running HASSIO on a raspberry Pi on the lastest version. My config looks like this:
- platform: tile
username: xxxxx
password: xxxxx
show_inactive: true

silly question, did you add your above code under device_tracker ?
Mines work fine

Yes, I did. Added it under my Asuswrt device tracker.


  • platform: asuswrt
    username: xxxx
    password: xxxx
    consider_home: 180
    track_new_devices: True
    hide_if_away: False

  • platform: tile
    username: xxxxx
    password: xxxxx
    show_inactive: true

I don’t use show_inactive: true. Can you try without to see if it works? You’re error message appears to be related to that option

I got it to work. I removed the Asuswrt tracker and only the Tile component and it worked perfectly.

I must have an issue with the Asus component.

Thank you and Compliments of the Season!!!

THere were some major changes to asuswrt platform recently, you should read the official doc. One example is that asuswrt is its own platform now, and you don’t need to list it under device_tracker. There’s a thread about it somewhere on the forum.

I was just reading up on it now. Thank you

Hi all, not directly related and maybe a silly question probably but before I go and buy some tiles, does this actually connect to the tile tags via ble or log into an api to the app? I’m trying to find a way to monitor when something is in close range only so want to filter on the RSSI levels. I tried the ble tracker add on but this does not give the function and it triggers from too far away, when it hasn’t crashed of course! I was looking at happy bubbles but don’t seem to be able to buy them anymore.

Hi hfrancis,

Are you still using Tile Tracker?
Are you happy with the integration?
How about the update timings?
I use Owntracks at this moment, but I have found it too unstable to do presence detection (entering zone), so I am am looking at Tile now.
Can you please share your experience.

if it helps I’m no longer using Owntracks for the same reasons. I’ve been using Life360 for several months now and really happy with it.

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hi lolouk44,
I’m going to give Life360 a try then, thanks for the sharing this info!

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Hi lolouk44,
I’am already back :slight_smile:
I forgot to ask, would you be willing to share your home assistant setup.

sure thing:

Unfortunately Life360 pretty much give the same response as owntracks.
The idea was to, when I enter my street detect that and already make some pre-actions before arriving home (e.g. turn nas on, etc…)
But sometimes it only detect that I have entered the zone when I am even already in the house… :frowning:

I think any form of tracking will be this way. Any other way (e.g. updates sent a lot closer to real time) will end up draining your battery.
What you could do is increase your home radius so you catch arrival earlier?