Setup challenge - 2 echos - 2 HA - same family


I have this challenge:
at home I have 2 HA’s (production and testing) and a echo 4,
at our holiday house I have HA and a echo dot.
The echo4 and echo dot are connected with same account so that announces can be made.

How can I integrate alexa that the callings to echo 4 knows it is for home HA and the echo dot knows it is for the holicay house.
Now when I say “turn Kitchen light on”, it turns the one at home even when I ask the echo dot config.


I have a similar setup but there really isn’t any way to connect two different instances of HA to one amazon account. The only thing I know of that can work is to use the remote home assistant addon found in hacs. This will essentially just import the entities from the child HA instance to the parent HA instance. Then you would have to rename the entities so that they have unique names like main house would use kitchen lights and vacation home would use vacation kitchen lights.

The alternative is to use separate Amazon accounts but then you will lose the announce functionality.

I’m working on a custom skill, locally hosted with flask-ask. The advantage is that I can detect which echo is giving the command and I can use this as a room replacement: ‘alexa, ask xx yy to turn on the light’. Pitty of the invocation name …

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That sounds awesome, I’d definitely be interested in something like that as well

The development goes very well and I’m learning a lot. It will in version 1 mostly be hardcoded to my situation but maybe I can make an article of the concept in the forum. I know alexa is already integrated in HA but my concept allows customization on questions (WAF :p) and briefings (not only limited to HA data). My ultimate goal is to make an addon (docker container) running this. If you want to make your own, I started following the 3 tutorials with Intro and Skill Logic - Alexa Skills w/ Python and Flask-Ask Part 1 - YouTube. Mario

PS: I learned already that:

  • the deviceid of the echo is different between skills …
  • alexa has troubles with “standard” verbs (like “open” the shades => set the shades to “open”)

just FYI that you don’t lose a day or 3 like me :stuck_out_tongue:

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