Setup failed for fullykiosk: Integration not found

Hi all

after the message that fullykios is now a Home Assistant core integration, I’ve removed from HACS and now I get this error in log

Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 11:30:13 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:30:13

Setup failed for fullykiosk: Integration not found.

I’ve checked with Visual studio for an occurence in yaml code, but I haven’t found any

What else can I check?


Does your system have the “core” integration installed?

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No, but, as far as I know, I don’t have anything using it.
I had the HACS integration installed probably because I tried it, but then I forgot to uninstall.
The only thing I can imagine using it is Browser Mod.

What should I check to see if something is using it except yaml files?


Have you set up the integration?

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The official integration is named fully_kiosk, with an underscore.
Maybe look in .storage for reference to the old one.

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the only files where I see fullykiosk are here

What should I look into .storage folder and, if needed, how should I delete the fullykiosk references?

I also have received the same error (ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for fullykiosk: Integration not found.) since updating today.

I saw no reference to a breaking change, after re-reading the release notes for the last 4 versions.

Oh, I do love that the integration page now shows the warning that it didn’t load! I would not have known there was an issue until an automation failed tomorrow. So kudos for that improvement! Integrations page looks great now!

Have you find any solution?


Nope, I did not. I hope to find a little time to look more tonight after work. I tried deleting my Fully integration completely and setting up from scratch. That did not work and I ended up going back to a backup.

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You could try to replace the integration name in your .storage/ files:

sed -i 's/fullykiosk/fully_kiosk/g' core.device_registry
sed -i 's/fullykiosk/fully_kiosk/g' core.config_entries
sed -i 's/fullykiosk/fully_kiosk/g' core.entity_registry

and restart HA. But be sure to have a BACKUP if something goes wrong!

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It seems that the error does not appear anymore

Even if I haven’t installed the new fully_kiosk integration and I have removed the old fullykiosk

Glad you found a better solution. This afternoon, I manually edited the three core files and deleted all of the fullykiosk entries, then just added all my my kiosks back via UI. Working great now. I will absolutely note the solution above for next time I have a similar issue!

Hi, where do i put the in the sed commands referenced above, i manually edited device_registry and config_entries but entity_registry has a lot more entries and was hoping to not have to edit each one. Thank you

The fully kiosk integration simply won’t work properly for me
Does anyone have any clue what’s going on?

Logs should help.