Setup SSL without reomte access


I’m trying to setup ssl such that I can add Z-wave devices using the QR code.
I’ve read quite some docs on this but most use cases are targetting remote access, which I really don’t want.
I tried to setup duckdns and let’s encrypt. After quite some trouble I ended up with:

  • a proper let’s encrypt certificate
  • duckdns also trying to do lets encrypt and fails the dns challange: failing with Incorrect TXT record "" found at
  • a dns which resolves to the public ip of my router and havent found a way to internally reroute the traffic towards my HA

Thus now I can only access HA with tls using the ip adres.
As such the andriod app no longer works, because it does not trust the certificate issued by let’s encrypt.

I don’t want remote access, I do want TLS and I want to add devices to my Zwave controller without setting up proxies, local dns server etc…
Is this possible?

Configure your domain name on your local router’s dns :wink:


If only I could hahaha.
Best I found so far is a NAT Loopback.
Haven’t tried it yet (to much addicted making my HA smart)
My router should support it and my ip should be static.
The latter might be a problem for a lot of people.
If only there was such a thing as a local domain for which you could get valid certs…