Seven Segments OCR

Ive set this integration up and I cannot get it to read what I would would be a simple display/

It’s a two digit illuminated 7 segment display. The image in my camera looks like this (from an espcam, its upside down and rotated with ssocr)

As per the documentation im trying to get the right settings from the command line. So far Ive got this:

ssocr crop 468 136 165 210 -d -1 rotate 180 shear 25 r_threshold --verbose erosion camsnap4.jpg -D -t 95

This is cropped try to just get one digit. The debug image shows this:


Which to me looks like a 9, but ssocr keeps telling me its an 8. Its so consisently wrong that Im assuming i must be doing something wrong.

Any ideas?

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In case anyone else ever looks for this I worked out the problem - I had to invert the image. By default it looks for dark text on a light background, mine is illuminated leds so light text on a dark background. adding ‘invert’ to the command line fixed it.


Thanks for the solution. I would just like to know where is the image saved as I can’t find it in the config folder?

By default it doesn’t save any image but if you add


To input_arguments: then it will save the debugged output file in your media folder.