Share directory for MQTT Bridge setup


I am a bit strugglingh with HASSIO on my Raspberry Pi after installing and setting up MQTT Mosquitto a while ago and working and now adding Solar Assistant as MQTT bridge which requires a separate .conf file added via mosquitto broker config which obviously defaults to the share directory rather than the homeassistant directory where I created the solar-assistant.conf file within.

Here is the Solar Assistant Documentation for doing that which states the share directory should be default:

How to handle the share directory at all as all config files, I assume so, should be located in the homeassistant directory folder structure!?

I manually copied over my .conf file to a new mosquitto directory in share via terminal but I guess that is not the best way to do so!?

Mosquitto AddOn configuration:

Here is the logfile with the manually created directory/file via terminal (this is working):
Loading config file /share/mosquitto/solar_assistant.conf
