Share Home Assistant energy dashboard to a separate website publicly as view only. (Need help)

Good day, I got into the HA community this year and it has been fun tinkering around and using HA. I want to implement something I have in mind but I have no idea how to.

I want to be able to share my Home Assistant energy dashboard to a domain anyone can view publicly. They will only have view access to the historical data and nothing else.

Similar to what’s available here

and here.

I also want to be able to add some data from some entities in HA and display it too on the webpage. I personally use the Power Flow Card Plus Card and I would prefer to add it to the page too. I want the bulk of it based on the HA default energy dashboard because of the Historical data obtainable from that page.

What’s the best way to go about this? Thanks.

I worked on a mini web app for it, using the RESTful API.