Share your HADashboard setups

entity_id completion is not something that can be done with AD.
just because you can edit the files from AD with ANY kind of texteditor that works with plain text. (wordpad, word, etc.) so in that case you need another program that is aware from the entities. (might be something that the addon can do for hassio)

RTSP streaming in a browser is extremely complicated. i am not able to find any kind of possibility without using some external application. i have been trying myself, but if i can find a way to play RTSP with a browser its impossible to integrate it in AD.
browsers dont support RTSP on there own.

for climate there are som many people wishing so many things and there are hundreds of climate widgets online available that can be used in an iframe. its hard to create something like that, for sure when you dont use it (like me)

same goes for mediaplayer. i really dont see the use for mediaplayers on a dashboard.
you might want to start a radiostation on a media device (use a switch) or might want to have the option to chose from several stations (use an input_select) you might want to type the name of a song or artist (use input_text) you might want to control volume (use input_slider)

i have a start and stop switch on the dashboard for radio. and everything else goes through alexa :wink:
i must say that i havent seen much people experimenting with mediaplayers in dashboard. if so we would probably already have an example from something better :wink:

I’ve been trying to figure out how to get a tile with a thermostat temperature and + and - symbols, like Rene Tote’s Huiskamer thermostaat 1 or similar to Zen’s Laundry Room Lights. Where is it hiding?


use the climate widget


Sounds obvious, right? But it looks like I’ll have to fully implement the HA Climate entity, which seems gratuitously complicated. The default card is a dial control. Uggh.

Thanks again.

i expected that you had a climate entity already and wanted that on a dashboard.
there is also the input_number and input_slider widget that you can use.

remember, dashboard can only show things that you already have implemented in HA.
and if you have implemented entities in HA you dont need to use them in the HA frontend, when you got them on a dashboard.