Shared On/Off state Entities (3-way switch)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Shared On/Off State



This is my first attempt at writing a blueprint. Let me know if you have any feedback or edits I should make.


This automation shares the state of selected entities.
If you turn On/Off any entity in this group, either through software or physically, every other entity in this group will share the same state.

Example Usage:

  • 3-way switch (or more!)
  • Shared state On/Off groups

Shout Out

Special thanks to Petro for his comment from which I took heavy inspiration from.
I was trying to emulate a 3-way switch and couldn’t find any good examples until I stumbled upon his comment. I couldn’t find any blueprints that worked as well as him comment, so I created one. Thanks Petro!

  name: Shared On/Off State
  description: "# Shared On/Off State\n
    ## Disclaimer:\n
    This is my first attempt at writing a blueprint. Let me know if you have any feedback or edits I should make.\n
    ## Description:\n
    This automation shares the state of selected entities.\n
    If you turn On/Off any entity in this group, either through software or physically,
    every other entity in this group will share the same state.\n
    ## Example Usage:\n
    - 3-way switch (or more!)\n
    - Shared state On/Off groups\n
    ## Shout Out\n
    Special thanks to Petro for
    [his comment](
    from which I took heavy inspiration from. \n
    I was trying to emulate a 3-way switch and couldn't find any good examples until I stumbled upon his comment.
    I couldn't find any blueprints that worked as well as him comment, so I created one. Thanks Petro!\n
  domain: automation
      name: Select the On/Off entities you'd like to share state.
            - switch
            - fan
            - light
          multiple: true
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent
  platform: state
  entity_id: !input switch_entities
  from: &states
    - "on"
    - "off"
  to: *states
  entities: !input switch_entities
  value: >
    {{ trigger.to_state.state }}
  targets: >
    {{ expand(entities) | rejectattr('entity_id','eq', trigger.entity_id) | selectattr('state','!=', value) | map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}
  - condition: template
    value_template: >
      {{ targets not in ([], none) }}
  - service: homeassistant.turn_{{ value }}
      entity_id: "{{ targets }}"
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