Sharp A/C IR remote control

As per subject, to be integrated in ir remote climate component. I cannot find any reference to the protocol

Thank you!

Can’t you use a Broadlink to copy the codes?

I have purchased one. Let’s see. But I had tried already with a DIY ir tx/rx, and it never worked.

It has a strange coding, looks like the ir sends two streams every time you touch the buttons. I do not know how to merge them

I have a hard time believing anyone will buy a Shape AC just to understand what you mean.
I kind of think that it would be better that you post what you got and that could help someone help you.

I have discovered that the remote SHARP sells with their A/C is model YAN1F1, that is a universal remote. I will try to copy the output again and post

OK i did some more research.

I hooked up a Wemos D1 mini with a IR shield and loaded sketch IRrecvDumpV3, included with library IRRemoteESP8266. Apparently, protocol used is KELVINATOR, as the firmware is decoding correctly inputs from my remote:

Timestamp : 000015.626
Library   : v2.8.0

Protocol  : KELVINATOR
Code      : 0x2CB86550032300502CB86560AA0B00D2 (128 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Power: On, Mode: 4 (Heat), Temp: 24C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Turbo: Off, Quiet: On, XFan: Off, Ion: On, Light: On, Swing(H): Off, Swing(V): On
uint16_t rawData[279] = {9060, 4444,  692, 540,  668, 512,  692, 1614,  692, 1614,  692, 514,  690, 1616,  692, 516,  688, 516,  690, 516,  692, 514,  690, 518,  686, 1616,  692, 1616,  690, 1616,  694, 538,  664, 1616,  692, 1614,  692, 540,  666, 1612,  692, 516,  692, 516,  688, 1614,  692, 1614,  692, 514,  690, 514,  690, 516,  688, 518,  692, 514,  692, 1612,  694, 512,  692, 1612,  694, 514,  692, 538,  666, 1616,  692, 514,  692, 19944,  690, 1616,  690, 1616,  690, 542,  664, 516,  690, 542,  664, 518,  690, 516,  692, 516,  686, 1616,  692, 1616,  692, 516,  690, 516,  690, 516,  690, 1616,  690, 516,  690, 514,  688, 518,  690, 540,  664, 518,  688, 516,  690, 516,  690, 514,  690, 516,  690, 514,  690, 516,  690, 516,  690, 516,  692, 514,  690, 1614,  692, 518,  688, 1614,  690, 516,  692, 39954,  9036, 4442,  692, 516,  688, 516,  686, 1618,  692, 1614,  692, 516,  692, 1612,  692, 516,  690, 516,  688, 516,  692, 514,  692, 514,  692, 1614,  692, 1614,  692, 1616,  690, 518,  688, 1616,  690, 1616,  694, 516,  690, 1612,  692, 516,  690, 516,  690, 1614,  692, 1614,  694, 514,  690, 518,  692, 512,  692, 512,  692, 514,  690, 514,  690, 1614,  692, 1614,  692, 514,  692, 514,  692, 1614,  694, 514,  690, 19946,  690, 518,  688, 1616,  688, 520,  690, 1614,  692, 518,  688, 1616,  692, 514,  690, 1614,  692, 1616,  692, 1616,  692, 516,  688, 1614,  690, 518,  690, 514,  690, 516,  690, 516,  690, 514,  690, 516,  688, 518,  690, 516,  688, 516,  718, 488,  690, 514,  692, 514,  690, 514,  692, 1614,  692, 516,  688, 516,  690, 1614,  692, 516,  690, 1614,  692, 1616,  694};  // KELVINATOR
uint8_t state[16] = {0x2C, 0xB8, 0x65, 0x50, 0x03, 0x23, 0x00, 0x50, 0x2C, 0xB8, 0x65, 0x60, 0xAA, 0x0B, 0x00, 0xD2};

Timestamp : 000031.503
Library   : v2.8.0

Protocol  : KELVINATOR
Code      : 0x24B82550032300D024B82560AA0B0052 (128 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Power: Off, Mode: 4 (Heat), Temp: 24C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Turbo: Off, Quiet: On, XFan: Off, Ion: Off, Light: On, Swing(H): Off, Swing(V): On
uint16_t rawData[279] = {9000, 4478,  658, 572,  632, 572,  634, 1650,  658, 550,  656, 572,  632, 1648,  658, 572,  632, 572,  632, 550,  658, 550,  656, 548,  658, 1648,  660, 1648,  658, 1648,  658, 548,  658, 1648,  660, 1646,  658, 550,  658, 1648,  658, 548,  656, 550,  656, 1648,  660, 572,  632, 572,  634, 572,  634, 550,  656, 572,  634, 548,  656, 1646,  660, 572,  634, 1648,  660, 548,  656, 548,  658, 1646,  660, 548,  656, 19976,  660, 1648,  658, 1650,  658, 550,  656, 572,  632, 574,  634, 548,  658, 548,  656, 572,  634, 1646,  660, 1650,  658, 572,  634, 550,  656, 550,  656, 1648,  658, 548,  656, 574,  632, 548,  658, 572,  634, 572,  632, 550,  656, 550,  658, 548,  658, 548,  656, 550,  658, 548,  658, 550,  656, 572,  634, 548,  658, 1648,  658, 548,  658, 1648,  658, 1648,  660, 39988,  9002, 4478,  660, 548,  656, 548,  658, 1646,  660, 550,  656, 572,  632, 1650,  658, 548,  658, 548,  658, 548,  656, 572,  632, 548,  656, 1646,  660, 1648,  660, 1648,  658, 548,  656, 1648,  658, 1648,  658, 572,  634, 1648,  660, 570,  634, 548,  658, 1646,  660, 572,  632, 548,  658, 572,  634, 548,  658, 548,  656, 550,  658, 548,  656, 1646,  660, 1648,  660, 548,  658, 572,  632, 1648,  660, 570,  632, 19982,  658, 572,  632, 1648,  658, 550,  654, 1650,  658, 572,  632, 1648,  660, 572,  632, 1650,  658, 1650,  658, 1650,  658, 574,  632, 1650,  656, 548,  658, 572,  634, 550,  656, 550,  656, 550,  656, 572,  632, 550,  654, 572,  632, 548,  656, 572,  634, 572,  634, 572,  634, 548,  658, 1648,  658, 548,  656, 548,  658, 1648,  660, 572,  634, 1648,  660, 572,  634};  // KELVINATOR
uint8_t state[16] = {0x24, 0xB8, 0x25, 0x50, 0x03, 0x23, 0x00, 0xD0, 0x24, 0xB8, 0x25, 0x60, 0xAA, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x52};

Hope this might help to include this protocol in IR Remote Climate component in ESP Home

Here is a page that can convert from raw to base64.

Base64 is used as the codes in HA with Broadlink.

I have the same control, could you make it work with HA?