Shell Command and Multiple Audio Sounds

I managed to make the following work:

In the configuration.yaml I have:

  shalalakpop: afplay ~/Music/Shalalakpop.aif
  ding_ding: afplay ~/Music/Ship_Bell.mp3

In my automation, I have this:

  - alias: 'Test ECLS On'
      platform: state
      entity_id: switch.entertainment_center
      to: 'on'
      service: shell_command.ding_ding
  - alias: 'Test ECLS Off'
      platform: state
      entity_id: switch.entertainment_center
      to: 'off'
      service: shell_command.shalalakpop

When I trigger the light switch, I get the first sound, and when I turn the light off, I get the second sound.

If I want to use an include for shell_command: like this:

shell_command: !include_dir_merge_list shell

Then I would need to put a file like sounds.yaml in the shell folder. When I do that, I’m unsure of the syntax for the sounds.yaml file and everything I’ve attempted leads to no shell commands being run.

For example, if I enter in sounds.yaml:

 shalalakpop: afplay ~/Music/Shalalakpop.aif
 ding_ding: afplay ~/Music/Ship_Bell.mp3

I would expect everything to work as it did when I had it all defined in the configuration.yaml file. Is my syntax incorrect?

FYI, I was making one mistake in my process. After I updated the config files and/or automation files, I was using terminal to restart the hass service which was completely killing everything.

After using the services page from the dashboard, I would call the restart service for homeassistant domain then reload the core config and the automation config and the changes would take effect.

Restarting takes about a minute or so to reconnect to everything and be back up and running with the limited number of “things” I have going on.

So ultimately, what I’ve done here works.