be aware that the SSH/Terminal addon runs on a different environment than the shell_command.
For example, the root filesystem isn’t available. Instead, you have access to /config, /share etc. (The directories you’d find under /root in the SSH/Terminal plugin).
I’m not sure, but using allowlist_external_dirsmight do the trick.
However I’d either make use of the ssh addon (Get another machine on your network to scp the certificates onto Home Assistant) or use a different directory than /ssl.
Take a look at the http: configuration here on how to do that.
For example, /config/ssl/ssl.cert might be a better solution.
Lastly, the certificate update shouldn’t be your concern, the DuckDNS or Let’s Encrypt Addons should do that for you, if I understand that correctly. But your setup might not fit in there.
Thx fedot. I cant use DuckDNS or Let’s Encrypt Addons, i have main web server on external ip:80. The idea is to auto generate ssl.cert (every two months) on webserver and use HA automations - cert 5 days left > shell_command: download new cert.
Yeah, another way is to send cert FROM webserver TO HA via cron, but less interesting…
Thx anyway, i will read about allowlist_external_dirs.