Shell_command help - echo

Need help in shell commnds.
Here is the config -
in configuration.yaml, I have included

shell_command: !include shell_commands.yaml

The shell_commands.yaml consist of

inc_gardenroom_vol: echo -e “inc fader /“GardenRoom/” 1/n” | nc 52774

Now, when I call service shell_command.inc_gardenroom_vol, nothing happens. I cannot see anything in logs also.

The above command(echo -e “inc fader /“GardenRoom/” 1/n” | nc 52774) works if invoked from terminal(using addon ssh terminal)

What am I doing wrong?

Yes - thats how I tested (I wrote above- tested in terminal - using addon ssh terminal)
The command works in ssh terminal.

When called using run script- the trace says ok, but command is not sent. Its like a blackhole- with no way to debug (i did enamle debug for shell commnd - still there is nothing in the log)

Summarizing -
configuration.yaml contains-
shell_command: !include shell_commands.yaml

shell_commands.yaml contains -
inc_gardenroom_vol: echo -e “inc fader /“GardenRoom/” 1/n” | nc 52774

scripts.yaml contains-
alias: GardenRoom Increase Volume
- service: shell_command.inc_gardenroom_vol
data: {}
mode: single

If I call this service using developer tools, returncode is 0, that means its being executed without error. But the command is going to blackhole

Are you escaping correctly ?

Shouldn’t it be something like this ?

echo -e "inc fader \"GardenRoom\" 1\n" | nc 52774

Trying it directly in HA seems to output correctly

root@svr1:~# podman exec -it homeassistant bash
svr1:/config# echo -e "inc fader \"GardenRoom\" 1\n" | nc 52774

svr1:/config# echo -e "inc fader \"GardenRoom\" 1\n" | nc 52774
svr1:/config# echo -e "inc fader \"GardenRoom\" 1\n"
inc fader "GardenRoom" 1

Edit: yup just checked my configuration.yaml for the way I escape chars and can confirm black slashes being used


  turn_off_ryzen: "ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' [email protected] \"net rpc shutdown -f -t 0 -C shuttingdown -U ............\" "

Sorry - my bad - As file editor doesnot allow cut paste - I wrote on this forum (and miswrote)
This works -

This doesnot work

Oh wait - Restarting the ha worked !!!
Reloading yaml didnot.
