Shelley 1 flashed with tasmota. now what?

i flashed my Shelley 1 with tasmota.
i used this template from Shelly 1 Switch Module Configuration for Tasmota
{“NAME”:“Shelly 1”,“GPIO”:[1,1,0,1,224,192,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],“FLAG”:0,“BASE”:46}

restart my shelley1 and now this is what i see:

i was expecting to see toggle ON/OFF because this is a switch but i got nothing close.
which template should i use?


Shelly devices work extremely well (and locally) with the Home Assistant Shelly integration and stock firmware.

i dont know why. but this was 2+ years ago. i finally got a chance to put it to good use now.

I have this on my over 2 years old shellies:


Seems the templates/definitions have changed in the mean time. Mine are still on Tasmota

just for fun, i tried this option and it bricked the device. guess i will manually flash via serial to usb again later

so next, i use another module. for whatever reason, i cannot make any changes here.

but i was able to manually do it based on your template. thanks so much!

The original firmware can be obtained here if you ever want to go back:

(requires signing up for an account).

i used FlashESP8266 and it refused to work with the official Shelly bin file.
strangely, the sonoff.bin file from Tasmota works fine so i ended up using that instead…any idea why the Shelly bin does not work?

No, I’ve never actually changed the firmware on my Shellys (other than updating them).

I think you have to change the bootloader.

Most links seem to point to this:

(mongoose is the Shelly OS).