Shellies Discovery Script

Hey @Bieniu your Script is great and works very well for me (I have 60 Shellies running in total).

Is it also possible, to see firmware updates and trigger them via HASS?


Thanks in advance

Thanks! There is firmware update sensor

Yea, thanks. But I cant trigger the update via HASS?

At the moment you can send update command to the device via MQTT.

Hey I am trying to get my Shelly 1L working in detached mode via MQTT: The script worked and have the entities in HA. However when I manually flip the wall switch i do not see any of the binary sensors changing. Anyone have any insights?

The goal is to have the relay constantly on powering Hue lights. When the wall switch is flipped I will trigger scenes in HA based on the time of the day.

If you willing to consider letting it auto update, you can create automations that automatically update it for you when it is ready,

See: Shelly firmware updates - #11 by peteretep

binary_sensor.shelly_1l_xyz_input_0 or binary_sensor.shelly_1l_xyz_input_1 will change state whan you use switch in detached mode.

It’s not possible to create an automation via MQTT Discovery.

First, let me thank you for your amazing mqtt discovery script. It works amazing.

I think you need to double check the link I posted. That works with mqtt messages posted by the shellies. It works very nicely alongside your discovery script.

Thanks for your kind words.

I’ve read this thread before. They create an automation there that runs the rest command. Where’s MQTT here? I don’t understand what your suggestion is.

The automation is triggered when a mqtt message is received that an update is available which then use the rest command to do the update as you pointed out.

We have update firmware sensor and we can’t use rest command so what is your suggestion?

Don’t worry about it. It works for me. Was only a suggestion for someone else that asked.

OK I thought this was a script development suggestion.

Thanks @Bieniu I actually found it was my own error wiring in the switch. I tested it outside of the wall and when I put it back in one of the switch cables had come loose.

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If someone wants to test something new

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I have numerous Shelly’s however I have just added a H & T temp sensor. Up until now I have just added devices through the script with no further configuration. Do I need to do something difference with the H & T to stop it showing unavailable between check in’s?

Shelly HT uses 12h as sleep_mode.period, the script uses 12h * 1,2 * 60 * 60 = 51840 seconds as expire_after for this device. If your entities are unavailable this means that device doesn’t send data to MQTT broker. Check your MQTT configuration.

Thanks, so there is nothing I need to change in the config? I will have a look at the broker settings!

You can increase expire_after for this device but it shouldn’t be necessary. Check on your MQTT broker how often the device sends its status.