Shellies Discovery Script

After event, for example shortpush, longpush.

So set for homeassistant.components.python_script warning or error.

After each Shelly Discovery update. But I don’t recommend disabling the discovery automation.

@Bieniu Since our previous conversation, all my shellies are up and integrated.

Now in my slow progression, it’s look like a device could be integrated as a switch or a cover but not both. my 2.5 come as a switch (they are in roller mode) and I rather have them in cover which is needed to make a lovelace card with slider.

Any idea how to change switch to cover ?

Please read the documentation or open post.

Sorry @Bieniu , can’t find any relevant info in the last 2 hours reading the docs. do you have a link ?
do I need to delete the switch integration before trying to create a cover ?
here you learn about cover but don’t explain how to create one.
here all about template cover , which just add to the confusion do I need a template ?
can’t find anything in your github repo.
nothing on Shelly side neither …
best I could find was here
Auto discovery is fantastic, just missing the explanation to get a cover for my 2.5 to finally be able to use it within lovelace.

An example:

I saw that, but that don’t explain how to get a cover entity from it.

Looking for a way to have something like that in my entities list

all I got is that (also show all the sensors in dev tools)

all the 2.5 was in roller mode (shelly ip webpage setting) before integration.

Use this example in your script configuration.

Have been trying to get the script working for hours but just won’t work, it’s 100% something I am doing wrong but after searching everything here still can’t find the problem.

What am I doing wrong?

Kind regards

So I have tested the and it is working. What is the next step?

The shellies_discovery script still can’t be found.

I think you are using service service: python_scripts.shellies_discovery but you should service: python_script.shellies_discovery in your shellies_discovery automation.

Removed the “s” from python_scripts and now this is the error:

So you have to check your configuration. mode is missing.

Sorry for this but I am still new to HASS and MQTT, do you mean check the announce message in MQTT explorer, the configuration.yaml, automation.yaml or

What about automation?

mode wasn’t in there… My bad… Added that and now on to the following error :frowning:


Your script configuration is not valid. Remove shellyrgbw2-80A423: 'rgbw' line.

Big thanks legend, it’s working now.

In what use case would I add the shellyrgbw2-80A423: ‘rgbw’ line?

Never, there is no such configuration option. You can use something like this for RGBW2:

    light-1-name: "Living room"
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Hello All,

I am trying to use a Shelly 1 with the Temp Add-On with a reed switch, how would I get that to configure within MQTT? I have re-added the device and enabled the Temp reading but that just produces an unknown result. Any advice would be great.