Shellies Discovery Script

Do you mean external switch?


Yes, Thank you!!

I am having problems getting my Shellies back online after a (planned) power outage. Some Shellies came back; the most didnā€™t. I updated Home Assistant and the python script. I also updated the firmware of all my shellies. In the Home Assistant device I can clearly see that the firmware was updated.

When I connect to MQTT with MQTT explorer, I see the devices being online perfectly. So somehow, Home Assistant doesnā€™t subscribe to the right topics I suppose?

I see no related errors in my home assistant logs.

I really donā€™t have a clue how to further debug this. I hope you can give me advice.

I had this with some Shylles as well. But I had to say upfront I flashed all my Shellys with ESPHome, so may be different for you.

Take them from the power for at least 30 seconds to one minute. I can only do this by switching off the fuse, but after that they started normally.

Maybe this helps *fingersCrossed :slight_smile:

I figured it out eventually. Two devices didnā€™t (re)connect to MQTT correctly. I had to disable MQTT, reboot the device, enable MQTT, reboot the device. Then it finally came back. I guess it was a Shelly issue after all.

Have added that line of code to the automation.yaml and ran the automation with no changes. Iā€™ve removed the the device and tried to readd, no improvement. The MQTT stream shows the state, what am I missing?

Please post python_script debug log.


Iā€™m using Shelly Colorbulbs RGBW (SHCB-1) and since the last update I canā€™t control the white channel and the RGB channels at the same time. When any of the three RGB channels is enabled, the white channel shuts off. I was able to recreate the problem by directly controlling the bulb via MQTT Explorer, so it seems the behavior of the discovery script is as it should be. Maybe this is a firmware issue, I found someone on the Shelly Facebook support group with a similar problem. This issue popped up after updating from Shelly firmware 1.9.x to 1.10.4 which was needed for the new discovery script version. Does anyone have a similar issue?

Shelly SHCB-1 firmware: 1.10.4
Homeassistant: 2021.5
Shellies Discovery Script: 0.39.4

Iā€™ve run into an issue with the script supporting my Shelly RGBW2 switch. It fails to discover the switch due to a conflict with the Mode. I am using the switch for color only, so in the Shelly config Mode is set to ā€œColorā€.


The HA logs show the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/python_script/", line 221, in execute
exec(compiled.code, restricted_globals)
File "", line 1462, in <module>
ValueError: mode value None is not valid, check script configuration

Script appears to be looking for the light_color or light_white, which are set as variables:

LIGHT_COLOR = "color"
LIGHT_WHITE = "white"

if model_id == MODEL_SHELLYRGBW2_ID or dev_id_prefix == MODEL_SHELLYRGBW2_PREFIX:
    if mode not in [LIGHT_COLOR, LIGHT_WHITE]:
        raise ValueError(f"mode value {mode} is not valid, check script configuration")

My python is a little rusty., so not sure why it is throwing the error.

Note, I have a shelly1 that was discovered just fine. Thanks in advance for the assistance.
Shellies Discovery pulled in via HACS. Version 0.39.4

Is your shellies_announce automation up to date?

Not exactly sure where to check. The script was installed via HACS which created the discovery and announce automations. Did not modify any of that. All done a couple of days ago.

HACS doesnā€™t create/update script automations. Look here GitHub - bieniu/ha-shellies-discovery: Script that adds MQTT discovery support for Shellies devices

Thanks for the clarification.

Copy-n-paste error. I had followed the instructions and added the ā€œminimum configā€ from the example. Unfortunately, I had left off the last line in the copy. OF course, the last line contains the mode parameter.

Works 100% now. Thanks for the fast help!

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FYI for anyone struggling this, I managed to ā€œsolveā€ my issue. Downgrading to 1.9.4 fixes it, but the discovery script requires 1.10 at least. 1.10.2 and 1.10.4 are both broken. Using this website ( selecting ā€œv1.1.10ā€ (presumably a typo) I downgraded to 1.10. Now the white channel works properly and the discovery script works as well.

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This is my first time using python scripts.
I have installed the python scritp using HACS

added this in the configuration.yaml

default: warning
homeassistant.components.python_script: debug
homeassistant.components.automation: info


This text will be hidden

- id: shellies_announce
  alias: 'Shellies Announce'
    - platform: homeassistant
      event: start
    - platform: time_pattern
      hours: "/1"  # Modifying this if you are using Shelly Motion can drain your device's battery quickly.
    service: mqtt.publish
      topic: shellies/command
      payload: announce

- id: 'shellies_discovery'
  alias: 'Shellies Discovery'
  mode: queued
  max: 999
    platform: mqtt
    topic: shellies/announce
    service: python_script.shellies_discovery
      id: '{{ }}'
      mac: '{{ trigger.payload_json.mac }}'
      fw_ver: '{{ trigger.payload_json.fw_ver }}'
      model: '{{ trigger.payload_json.model }}'
      mode: '{{ trigger.payload_json.mode | default }}'
      discovery_prefix: 'hass'
      qos: 2
        relay-0: "light"
        ext-temperature-0: true
        ext-temperature-1: true
        ext-temperature-2: true
        force_update_sensors: true
        ext-switch: true
        ext-temperature-0: true
        ext-humidity-0: true
        push_off_delay: false
        force_update_sensors: true
        ext-temperature-0: true
        ext-temperature-1: true
        ext-temperature-2: true
        ext-humidity-0: true
        relay-0: "fan"
        relay-0-name: "Bathroom Fan"
        relay-1: "light"
        relay-1-name: "Livingroom Light"
        relay-1: "fan"
        light-0-name: "Bedroom Lamp"
        mode: "roller"
        roller-0-name: "Garage"
        roller-0-class: "garage"
        relay-0: "light"
        force_update_sensors: true
        force_update_sensors: true
        expire_after: 500
        powered: "battery"
        powered: "ac"
        mode: "roller"
        position_template: "{{ '{% if value | float < 30 %}0{% else %}{{ value }}{% endif %}' }}"
        set_position_template: "{{ '{%if position | float < 30 %}0{% else %}{{ position }}{% endif %}' }}"
        powered: "ac"
        powered: "ac"
        light-1-name: "Living room"
        light-2-name: "Bedroom"
        light-3-name: "Kitchen"
        force_update_sensors: true
        - shelly1-DD0011
        - shellyem-EECC22

but when I run the automation Shellies Discovery I get the following errors

Error while executing automation automation.shellies_discovery: Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'payload_json'
5:40:06 PM ā€“ (ERROR) Automation
Shellies Discovery: Error executing script. Error for call_service at pos 1: Error rendering data template: UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'payload_json'
5:40:06 PM ā€“ (ERROR) Automation
Template variable error: 'dict object' has no attribute 'payload_json' when rendering '{{ }}'
5:40:06 PM ā€“ (ERROR) helpers/

I am Running Home Assistant Supervised as a Docker Container .

You canā€™t run it manually since the trigger data wonā€™t exist. You need to let it trigger automatically. Running an automation manually basically executes the actions as a script. There are other instances of the same issue if you search the thread.

Anyone tried the new Mosquitto broker v6.0.1?
Is it safe to update to it?

Yes, and yes.

Yes much better then the previous version

In what way is it better?