Shelly 1 Plus Addon + MQTT + HA Setup

Hi folks,

I’m struggling to have Shelly 1 Plus Addon with a reed peripheral attached as Digital In.

Addon Configuration

however when looking at MQTT explorer just see the following:

I cannot confirm if I can see the right topic, think it’s input 100 but not sure.

Any guidance on confirming and how to setup yaml for home assistant.


I would say you’re on the right track there, with your entity being named input:100. As you can see from my explorer screenshot, mine show as temperature:100 through temperature:103

And as per step 6 in this post Shelly Plus 1PM with Add-on and DS18B20 temperature sensor help - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (, that is how I have my YAML configured for those Addon inputs. You probably need a garage door device_class, or something like that. Instead of my value_json.tC which extracts celsius temperature, it looks like your attribute is called state, so you’d need value_json.state I’d imagine.

I hope others here can add/confirm for you.

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BTW. Your shelly plus 1pm internal temp is > 100 degrees celsius.

Great feedback.

If anyone else could share their config here would be awesome.

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To whoever may need!

Include in configuration.yaml

mqtt: !include mqtt.yaml

Create mqtt.yaml and below code (side note, replace state_topic to sheelly.

  - name: "MQTT Portão Garagem Sensor"
    state_topic: "mqtt_S1plus_Teste/status/input:100"
    value_template: "{{value_json.state}}"
    payload_available: "true"
    payload_not_available: "false"