Shelly 1L not picked up by HA

I’ve added 2 Shelly 2.5’s to my network, as well as a Shelly 1L. I’ve managed to all of them using the following way:

  • Connect shelly to power
  • Use shelly app setup to connect to home network
  • Double check using the IP that’s been given to access the shelly’s.

For my 2 Shelly 2.5’s this was no issue, and they’ve shown up in home assistant (hooray! Automated rolling shutters when it gets hot outside). The shelly 1L however, does not show up in home assistant.
I’ve since reset it to factory settings, enabled cloud, pretty much all settings, but it doesn’t connect.
In the cloud it’s now visible (the shelly 2.5’s are not added to the cloud) and I can access it in my network as well. Just home assistant doesn’t pick it up. I’m using the shelly integration by HA.
I’ve tried disabling cloud as well (just to be sure, as it’s not needed), but to no avail.

It’d be great if someone could provide some aid on this. I’m using the latest version of Home assistant OS.

I did not have any problems although my setup process was different to yours as I did not use the Shelly App or Cloud. I powered up the Shelly 1L, connected to its temporary wireless AP, then pointed a browser at to configure my home network credentials. After a reboot it was then discovered by HA.

I’m running a different version of firmware (v1.9.3), not sure if that could be the issue. I’ve run a factory reset through the shelly itself as well but unfortunately to no avail.

All of a sudden, it shows up, but unfortunately only the firmware update shows…