Shelly 1L Wiring for Two Way Switch - how?

This got me so close to figuring my case out! I have a Shelly 2 dimmer I’m trying to install into my two-way on/off switches. With this method I managed to get the 2nd switch to perform correctly (on/off) while the Shelly does its job too (full control). But the 1st switch is completely irresponsive. Is this expected because I’m using a wrong Shelly model?

Hello I wanted to confirm with this you can control if the light is of or on always from the shelly module and that if another switch turns it on you are aware of it. Is this the case?

So in my current setup I can use the module as one more switch in the 2 or 3 way switches. But the module is unaware if the light is on or off, its just one more switch. I can turn the light on/off with the module but if another switch turns it on I am unaware.

The only way I have seen to be able to do it is to put the module after the last switch directly to the light, but sadly I dont have access to Live or Neutral in the last switch.

Correct. If either of the two switches turns on, HA is aware of it and adjusts state accordingly.