Shelly 1PM : avoid reset of energy sensor


I want to keep the total energy consumed through the Shelly, even after power outage ( just lost the value recently)

Is there a type of HA sensor “overlay” that could avoid the Shelly energy value to be diminished ?

I use it to monitor my desktop room and exclude it from my main home energy measurement.

As long as the Shelly goes to the state “unavailable” when the power to it is off (it does with the core integration) then feeding the state to a Utility Meter helper will remember the value.

That worked, I didn’t loose my utility meter state, during previous reset of shelly energy sensor

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Should the option “Periodically resetting” be enabled for this solution to work properly?

That’s up to you.
Personnally I dont enable periodical reset, I prefer to calculate last 24h average myself with an influxDB query and template sensor

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