Shelly 1pm gen3 mqtt binary sensor


I don’t know what I’m doing wrong here :slight_smile: I’m trying to add mqtt binary sensor but ‘output’ don’t work… other values I can add but not this

mqtt topic:
{"id":0, "source":"init", "output":false, "apower":0.0, "voltage":239.2, "freq":50.0, "current":0.000, "aenergy":{"total":0.000,"by_minute":[0.000,0.000,0.000],"minute_ts":1723464780}, "ret_aenergy":{"total":0.000,"by_minute":[0.000,0.000,0.000],"minute_ts":1723464780},"temperature":{"tC":42.9, "tF":109.2}}

    - name: "tupa_patteri"
      state_topic: "mokki/tupa_patteri/status/switch:0"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.output }}"
      payload_on: "true"
      payload_off: "false"
      device_class: power

You can use GitHub - bieniu/ha-shellies-discovery-gen2: Script that adds MQTT discovery support for Shellies Gen2 devices to configure Shelly devices using MQTT.