Shelly 1PM - thermostat

Hi guys,
I’m new at using HA. For test purposes I made two generic thermostats with 2pcs Shelly1, and everything worked fine.
Now I bought more than 10pcs of Shelly 1 PM and try to implement them. Unsuccessful. I somehow remember that I should make a virtual sensor to work it out, but I don’t know how and also I can not find this article anymore. But this was half a year ago. Now I can’t figure it out anymore.
The next thing that bothers me is how to set a thermostat where you can switch between cooling, heating and OFF mode. With generic I think you can’t do it?
Is it possible to do it via Lovelace card? That would be great.

Thanks a lot

so finally I figured out. Seems that Raspberry and HASS somehow stopped refreshing even after rebooting. Next day everything worked fine. So, now I implemented another type of thermostat and everything works fine. Oh, and I reinstalled a fresh copy. Maybe also that helped a lot.