Shelly 2.5 is not recognized as roller shutter

I installed a shelly 2.5 after flashing Tasmota.
I want to use it as a roller shutter and under Tasmota it is detected as a roller shutter but in HA two switches appeared. I don’t know if I have to modify something in HA.

I typed option19 1 for selfdetection in HA, do I have to integrate the shutter manually?

Cheers Lars

In the tasmota WebGUI, do you see a slider for the Shutter position (see screenshot) ?
Screenshot 2020-07-12 at 19.01.12

I do not use autodiscovery, so no idea if it is supposed to work at all or not.


it looks exactely the same.

I wonder why the shutter function is enabled in Tasmota, but in HA I only can see 2 switches.
HA Shelly
Maybe I should integrate manually but with all other entities it was no problem .

I wonder about the high temperature too!